Services for Individuals

Services for Individuals
Our services are free to individuals when they are referred by another agency. To learn more about qualifying for free services, click here. Private pay is available in very rare circumstances and is evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Please contact PiE, Inc. directly if you are interested in private pay.
PARTNERS in Employment, Inc. was established to assist individuals to find a job and keep a job. We help individuals determine a career path with Community-Based Assessments, Career Exploration, and Vocational Evaluations. PiE, Inc. assists in writing a resume, interviewing, finding job leads, networking and more with Job Development services. Our Job Coaching services assist individuals in learning job duties by putting a job coach right alongside the individual. With Long Term Supports, we continue to check in with individuals at regular intervals to make sure everything continues okay at the job. Other Services fill in the gaps with benefits analysis (to see how SSI and/or SSDI will be affected by working). Our aim is to help you find work and to keep you working!
Youth Services are available during the school year through Pre-Employment Transitional Services classes. The five core classes include Instructionon Self-Advocacy, Counseling on Post-Secondary Opportunities, Job Exploration Counseling, Workplace Readiness Training, and Work-Based Learning. These classes are offered throughout the year and during the school year can be completed at your local school or virtually. During the summer, extended Job Exploration and Summer Work Experiences are available to further introduce and prepare tomorrow's workforce!
To learn more about our different types of services click on the links below.
Community-Based Assessments
Career Exploration
Vocational Evaluations
Job Development
Job Coaching
Long Term Support
Other Services
Summer Youth