Job Development

Job Development includes making contacts with employers and identifying potential job leads to help individuals obtain a job. Job Developers may assist in completing applications, send resumes and cover letters, accompany the individual or provide transportation to interviews, reinforce interviewing skills, follow up with employers, educate employers on hiring incentives and negotiate hiring.
Job Seeking Skills Training
Job Seeking Skills Training (JSST) involves preparing an individual to apply, interview and secure a job. Services may be individualized or follow a standardized curriculum. A Job Developer will work with the individual to develop resumes and cover letters, teach the individual interviewing skills, assist the individual in developing strategies to discuss potentially challenging issues such as legal history, need for accommodations, etc., conduct mock interviews and feedback, assist the individual in developing a “cold call” script, assist the individual in filling out an application template, and provide recommendations on dress, grooming and interpersonal skills. Informal JSST may be a part of Job Development. JSST is offered on a one-on-one basis and in a classroom setting.