Vocational Evaluation

Vocational Evaluations may be comprised of various evaluation methods, such as vocational batteries, hands on assessments, and simulated work samples to determine the optimal employment goal for an individual. PiE, Inc. will determine the testing instruments to be used with the individual and answer the referral questions. Tests and assessment tools available include but are not limited to the following: Career Scope, OASYS, Bennett Mechanical Aptitude Test, WAIS, WIAT, WMS, WRAT, Wonderlic-Scholastic Level Exam (SLE), COPSystem Comprehensive Career Guide, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Purdue Pegboard, Beta, Reading Free Vocational Inventory and Clerical Abilities Battery.
Additionally, an individualized comprehensive vocational interview is completed as well as a review of the individual’s work history, disability related issues, prior educational development, and community and social factors affecting employment. This includes a Transferable Skills Analysis to determine possible vocational goal options. Tests and services are administered and provided by qualified staff (PCC or CRC).