Summer Youth

PiE, Inc. offers a variety of summer youth programs. Programs are offered in Defiance, Fulton, Henry, Lucas, Paulding, Putnam, Van Wert, Williams, and Wood counties. There are 3 different types of services that are currently offered.
SY-Career Exploration
This program runs 15 hours a week for 3 weeks during the summer. Specific start dates may vary by county. The “SY-Career Exploration” program continues teaching work skills and preparing students for their first job and future career. This program offers more hands-on experience at a variety of job sites as well as more in-depth job shadowing. Students will learn life skills, such as budgeting and time management, and employment skills, such as filling out an application and how to network, in order to be better prepared for their first work experience.
SY-Work Experience
This program runs 20 hours a week for 5 weeks during the summer. Five weeks of working at a job, under the guidance of a job coach. There may be 1-4 individuals at any given job assignment to help foster peer-to-peer learning. The job site is chosen with the preferences of the individual in mind. The 5 weeks of work are paid at minimum wage for all time that is worked.
Summer Job
This program is designed to help the individual prepare for, obtain, and keep a summer job. A student will work with a job developer to find the job that is right for then and receive coaching assistance to learn the job and lessen any first day jitters.