Other Services

Benefits Analysis
A certified Community Work Incentives Coordinator (CWIC) will work with individuals to help them understand the advantages to returning to work and how it will impact their benefits. Information such as a Social Security Benefits Planning Query (BPQY) and non-certified yearly earnings will be gathered to address specific work incentives available to the individual (i.e. trial work period remaining, IRWE, BWE, Medicaid Buy-In, PASS plan, etc.) and how to implement them.
Benefits Consultation
A Benefits Consultation may provide follow up information to the initial Benefits Analysis if the individual’s situation has changed. Additionally, this service can be used to assist individuals in applying for benefits such as Medicaid, Social Security, unemployment, etc.
Personal Adjustment
Personal Adjustment is designed to teach life skills to increase an individual’s independence and employability. This service may assist an individual with work behaviors, interpersonal skills, hygiene concerns, budgeting, childcare concerns, time management, or other areas as needed. Services are provided by qualified staff.
Work Adjustment
For those individuals entering the workforce for the first time or re-entering the workforce after a break, Work Adjustment can assist individuals in adjusting to the demands and stresses of work. It can also assist in discussions of how home life and daily routine can affect work, how work can affect benefits, and transportation concerns.